Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Are U Working Hard...?

Hi everyone...
We often come across people saying "Hard work is the secret of success". we sometimes do come across people who are really working hard. These fellows, at times inspire us a lot. We tend to imitate these fellows. we try to work really harder.
Do we really work hard. Well some of us would. But not most of us. We think we are really working hard. Spend late hours at our work. We come out feeling satisfied that we are really working hard. But ultimately if think what work we have done, it would have been quite less when compared to the hours that we would have spent on it. 
The fact is we often have assumptions that we really work hard. Get satisfied with whatever we do. But if we have to say we really work hard, it has to based on the effort we put in and not on the time we spent on it. 
This assumption makes us not realize that we are really wasting lot of ouy precious time. We miss quite alot of our day to day activities. We do not spend time with our friends, family and all relations that we have. Eventually we are at the risk of losing them. 
So if one has to rate his work as hardwork, then it has to based on his effort, throughput on his work. In other word s his productivity and not upon the time spent.
I was inspired to write this post on seeing my friends, collegues and on my own experiences. I had realized the fact whether i really work hard. Its time that others too realize it.

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